Are you in a hurry to sell your property?
As it often appears to happen, founders and/or managers of certain business, plan to sell assets (a land plot, commercial premises, enterprise, construction building, and restaurant) in a short period of time only because of the fact that, due to various reasons they are conditioned to have problems with banks and tax services.
Most companies with many partners engaged, at some point, are willing to quickly sell the “common business asset”, pay off liabilities and share remaining profit.
At times, it may happen so that, founders are eager to sell a business asset rather quickly, only because they can benefit much more financially from selling the asset even for a lower price. For example: One sells for $2 million US dollars a hotel that has an annual profit of $35,000 US dollars, and with that sum ($2 million US dollars) he plans to build residential complexes that will generate $150,000 US dollars annually.
If you are in a hurry to sell your property, the BT.GE team is able to support you in two ways:
1) BT.GE will search for potential buyers with the assistance of business brokers living in Georgia and abroad;
2) By posting the property on BT.GE business auction and via several rounds of business bidding (if it doesn't sell on the first try, then it will be sold at a discount) process, the chances of the property sale are very high.
Note: The property at the BT.GE auction is sold only at the initiative of the owner. Seized or disputed property is not sold with us.