
From January 2025, works on prospecting for natural minerals and obtaining a license are being possible with the involvement of an outsourcing company

Georgia, obtaining quite a diverse natural resources, which, if properly used, taking into consideration preserving the environment issues and interests of the local population, can become the basis for creation of many multifaceted useful business projects (in frames of which the environment is not damaged, additional finances are created for the budget, the local population is employed, products are created).

All those, interested in prospecting for natural minerals and obtaining license in Georgia, can entrust the solving the issue to a business group BTG (, operating in business trading and business investment sphere in Georgia, with an 8 year successful experience in dealing with similar problems, from January 2025.  

The customer is 100% insured as under the above corporate (exclusive) service BTG will receive the benefit (cost of service) only after the business project is drafted in accordance with the customer's interests and handed him over.

The corporate (exclusive) service includes:  a) searching for an appropriate land plot in accordance with specifications of the enterprise/warehouse; b) resolving the land plot purchase procedures, in a way that ensures construction permit being obtained; c) drafting an architectural and construction projects, submitting the project to the mayor’s office of the municipality, and obtaining the construction permit; d) obtaining licenses for the enterprise/warehouse in accordance of the specifications of the facility, if necessary; e) construction of the enterprise/warehouse. 

In the frames of the corporate service the customer is able to choose all or any of the services enlisted above.

The operational part of the process is very convenient for the customer: being involved in the process, all the details being agreed with him, decisions made through his direct participation, although the cost of service is being paid out by him only after the desired result for him (the costumer) is being achieved.