The property is sold faster at the auction
Auction, as a form of sale-purchase process of entities, like: hotels, enterprises, restaurants, commercial premises, etc., is not nearly used in Georgia, as due to existing practice, generally so-called seized or state-owned properties are mostly sold via auction.
Meanwhile, individuals in highly developed countries, willing to sell their property in a shorter period of time and at an affordable price, choose to address the auction, as one of the forms of business trade, and there are great opportunities and successful practices proving this fact.
When a property is sold by means of direct negotiations, naturally, there are comparatively fewer opportunities for searching potential buyers and selling the property in a relatively short period of time. Moreover, when negotiations are held with one or more parties concerning a businessobject, they often consider themselves to be the only interested party in the case, and try to use all the levers to extend the time, to prolong negotiations till the end, and to purchase the property at a very low price.
When the business is sold via auction, potential buyers are failed to have feeling and opportunity of being the only interested party. And when the auction is chosen by a potential buyer as sale/purchase form, it means that, he is already glad with the initial price of the entity under the sale, and at least is ready for a trading process.
In the frames of auction, the sale period is always fixed, thus rising probability of the property being sold much faster.
Note: The property at the bt.ge auction is sold only at the initiative of the owner. Seized or disputed property is not sold with us.