
For parties, interested in searching for investors and/or partners for business project the website ( was launched

A lot of operating businesses and startups are in search for investors in Georgia, though the mechanisms of investment into business in country are being in the process of development at present thus creating an investment practice.   

Persons willing to find the investor, often own great project, purely drafted business model, the case is realistic, the profitability is justified, although they fail to reach out the potential investor.

In January 2025, the website, supporting the process of searching for business investor and/or partner into project was launched, enabling interested parties to post an application and reach out to potential investors/partners.

The application will be posted in a following way:

1.   The application will be posted onto the business trade platform ( in Georgian, English and Russian languages. The platform is visited in average by 950 visitors interested in business trading ( buying, selling, investment) per month. The statistics is being growing at 5 %;

2.   The application will be directly sent to more than 800 business brokers (in Georgia and abroad), cooperating with us (BTG group) in frames of business trading and business investment;  

3.   The application will be sent to more than 3000 founders and managers of medium and large businesses in Georgia;  

4.   The application will be transmitted into audio format and posted onto the business trading platform  ( Audio application is very comfortable tool while travelling,  when obtaining an information while working;

5.   The application will be posted onto business trading Facebook (Meta) and Linkedin webpages and an advertising budget will be used (the application will have an average of over 71,000 views per month);

6.   The application will be posted  in Facebook, Linkedin and Telegram “groups” of business trading, which unite more than 5000 members being interested in business trading;

7.   The application will be sent to more than 750 business founders, managers, investors living abroad (Israel, Europe, the USA, neighbouring countries) being interested in investment, purchasing of commercial facilities, land plots or generally operating business in Georgia.   

The fee for posting, distributing and advertising the application per month: $79 USD.